dgi experts
We are a team of experts consisting of real estate specialists, architects, urban planners, surveyors, specialist lawyers and communication professionals. As entrepreneurs with a long history of success and decades of experience, we approach your inner urban development in an interdisciplinary manner.

Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Müller
Managing partner Terramag GmbH, publicly appointed surveyor, shareholder immovativ GmbH, member of the expert committee of the City of Hanau, project manager in the conversion staff of the City of Hanau

Steffen Ball
Managing Director BALLCOM Digital Public Relations, Founder BallSchwesinger, thinktank for sustainability, Grill AG for more media resistance, mpm multimedia press release, Ball und Berndt Medienproduktion & Verlag, Consultant for Brand PR and Crisis Communication, University Lecturer

Dipl.-Ing. Klaus Heim
Architect and urban planner, owner Klaus Heim GmbH, Office for Architecture and Urban Development

Stefan Müller-Schleipen
Managing Partner immovativ GmbH, Shareholder Terramag GmbH

Dirk Großkopf
Lawyer and specialist lawyer for construction and architectural law, partner at Ludwig Wollweber Bansch Rechtsanwälte, member of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Baurecht e. V. , member of the working group for construction and real estate law of the Deutscher Anwaltverein (DAV), member of the board of directors of the Rechtsanwaltskammer Frankfurt am Main (Frankfurt Bar Association)

Andreas Ruckelshausen
Lawyer and specialist lawyer for administrative law, partner at Ludwig Wollweber Bansch Rechtsanwälte, member of the German Lawyers Association, member of the Working Group on Administrative Law, course leader of the Frankfurt Bar Association of the legal courses for administrative and contract law

Dipl.-Ing. Bo Nintzel
Managing partner of immovativ GmbH, graduate geodesist, member of the "AG Innenentwicklung" of the leading region Darmstadt-Dieburg, member of the commission "Innerörtliche Entwicklung" of the municipality Roßdorf

Dipl.-Ing. Bo Nintzel
Head of Public Relations and Communication at Terragroup companies, journalist, political scientist
The companies of the dgi
The dgi is the merger of several companies with different expertise in the fields of urban planning, architecture, communication, surveying, tax and construction law and IT. dgi and all the companies involved are based in and around Hanau.
Terramag GmbH
Terramag GmbH is a proven specialist for strategic land management, fiduciary building land development and urban development.
Klaus Heim GmbH
The architect’s office Klaus home with seat in Hanau has its emphasis in the project development and local consultation.
Ballcom GmbH
Curious, loyal, committed, communicative and ambitious – these are the qualities that ballcom, the communications agency from Heusenstamm, Germany, uses to support its customers.
Anwaltskanzlei Ludwig Wollweber Bansch
Ludwig Wollweber Bansch was founded in 1817 by Bernhard Eberhard, the Procurator of the Higher Court, Public Prosecutor, Notary and later Lord Mayor of the City of Hanau. The firm has stood for professional advice and litigation for over 200 years.
Vermessungsbüro Müller
No matter whether it’s house construction, building land reallocation, soil management or urban development – precise measurement data are the starting point. In the course of constantly more complex becoming tasks the office Mueller developed to a country widely active surveying office.
immovativ GmbH
For over 10 years, immovativ GmbH has been supporting its customers as a real estate portal operator and IT service provider for municipalities and the real estate industry.